VeriFone authorized service Contractor

The CBE Center for Excellence, located in Camp Hill, AL, is a VeriFone Accredited Regional Training Center. We offer VeriFone Authorized Service Contractor (VASC) training and certification for the VeriFone Ruby and Sapphire/Topaz systems.

The Center has been conducting Ruby VASC classes for over ten years, and the Sapphire-Topaz class since 2007 when VeriFone accredited the first Sapphire-Topaz schools outside their own Clearwater, FL training center.

Our classes are conducted following the Ruby and Sapphire-Topaz training curriculum developed by VeriFone. Each class is five days long. The instructor staff at the CBE Center for Excellence has over 30 years combined experience with the VeriFone Ruby, Sapphire, and Topaz systems.

Our tuition rates are competitive. In fact, they are the same rates as charged to attend a class at the VeriFone training facility in Clearwater, FL.

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