Harbortouch Sales Rep salary

Great room for growth & opportunity with this company.
Lots of employee extras such as lunches, working advantage program, company outings to air shows, theme parks, picnics, really great holiday party! etc.
They are creating really great team building programs that increase employee morale, confidence, job knowledge & interests (Jeopardy game is fantastic!)
Management really allows you have a voice, we can provide insight and ideas on new innovative projects. They are really open minded and look for insight/ feedback from the staff. They mentor and offer insight in return which extremely important for overall growth and development.
Break room allows you a place to get away from the work and play video games, Ipads, soda & coffee machine.

Everyday there is a new challenge to overcome, nothing is easy but then again nothing worth having ever comes easy. I enjoy the challenges they keep you on your toes and definitely improve your creative thinking :) I've been working here for a very long time and in my personal experience I really enjoy everything about what I do and who I work with everyday. This is a really great company and I look forward to what they have in store. They really are a game changer for this industry.


I would really like to see the employee training program evolve into something much greater than we currently have. It is definitely a work in progress currently.
Benefits are a bit pricey but that can be said for many other companies I'm sure or even if you were to try an obtain it on your own. They do offer a program that helps compensate for the price which is a huge help.

Harbortouch UK

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Harbortouch General Counsel

Harbortouch webinars

Harbortouch tableside ordering

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