EFTPOS Lite Logon requirements

This method configures the EFTPOS PINpad merchant parameters. It instantiates a control panel to set the following properties:

HostID (Nii), CAID, CATID.

The control panel will show Serial Number of the Pinpad connected and KVC of the device. The event ConfigDoneEvent is fired when the command completes.

ConfigDoneEvent (Response)

Fires when the EFTPOS Configuration control panel (HostID, CAID, CATID etc) is dismissed.

DoMaint (Request)

Instantiate a control panel for EFTPOS merchant functions (Settlement, Logon, Enquiry, Reprint Receipt etc). The eventMaintDoneEvent is fired when the command completes.

MaintDoneEvent (Response)

Fires when control panel for EFTPOS merchant functions (Settlement, Logon, Enquiry, Reprint Receipt etc) is completed.

DoGetLastReceipt (Request)

This method retrieves the last receipt produced by the Pinpad. The event GetLastReceiptEvent is fired when the command completes.

There are no input properties required for this call.

GetLastReceiptEvent (Response)

Fires when a call is made to get the last receipt data.

Exception Handling

The Pinpad service checks whether it has a connection to Payment Express always and any deviation from that, theStatusChangedEvent event will change from false to true. This checks both the Pinpad connection and the network communication is fine. The event OnlineEvent only fires when the link is "ready" as well.

In the output of any transaction you have got the following outputs of the ActiveX: Ready, ReadyPinPad and ReadyLink. ReadyPinPad refers to the connection to the PinPad and ReadyLink refers to the communications to us. The "Ready" property will be a combination of the ReadyPinPad and ReadyLink, so if any of those has an error "Ready" will be 0 (false).

The AuthorizeEvent event will fire once the transaction has completed. The output properties remain valid until the DoAuthorize method is called again.

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