EFTPOS errors Code Australia

DateExpiry (input) Datatype: String Max 4 characters

Indicates card expiry date. Format is MMYY where MM is month 01-12 and Year 00-99. do not insert "/" or other delimiter.

DateSettlement (output) Datatype: String Max 8 characters

Indicates Date of settlement (when money will be deposited in Merchant bank account) if this is supported by the Acquirer, otherwise contains the date the transaction was processed in YYYYMMDD format.

DpsBillingId(input)Datatype: String Max 16 characters

When output, contains the Payment Express generated BillingId. Only returned for transactions that are requested by the application with the EnableAddBillCard value set to 1 (true) indicating a token billing entry should be created.

DpsTxnRef (input/output) Datatype: String Max 16 characters

Returned for every transaction. If the transaction was approved, DpsTxnRef can be used as input to a Refund transaction. Used to specifiy a transaction for refund without supplying the original card number and expiry date. The DpsTxnRef value returned by the original approved Auth transaction must be supplied also when doing a complete transaction.

EnableAddBillCard (input) Datatype: Boolean

To automatically add a card for subsequent billing purposes, set this to 1 (true). When generating a Billing Transaction for a previously loaded BillingId or DpsBillingId, EnableAddBillCard must be 0 (false).

DateStart (input) Datatype: String Max 4 characters

The Issue date of the customer's credit card, if Issuer requires this field to be present.

Format is MMYY where MM is month 01-12 and Year 00-99. do not insert "/" or other delimiter.

Used for Maestro/Solo cards.

IssueNumber (input) Datatype: INT

The Issue Number of your credit card if Issuer requires this field to be present.

EnableAvsData (input) Datatype: INT

Address Verification System property. Values are 1 (Enable Verification), 0 (Disable Verification). Your bank may require that you use AVS, in which case you will need to set to 1.

AvsPostCode (input) Datatype: String Max 20 characters

Address Verification System property. Post Code that is listed on the customer's bank statement.

AvsStreetAddress (input) Datatype: String Max 60 characters

Address Verification System property. Address that is listed on the customer's bank statement.

EFTPOS voucher

Eftpos Rentals

EFTPOS error Code

Eftpos card in Australia

ANZ EFTPOS in Australia

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