ShopKeep POS rates

tax groups

Tax Groups streamline and replace the existing Stock Item Level Tax feature

One of the most basic, but also most essential, aspects of running a successful business is collecting the right amount of tax on every sale! At ShopKeep, in addition to letting you set a default tax rate for your business, we also offer a Stock Item Level Tax feature to override the default tax rate for specific items and make it easier for you to collect proper taxes on those items.Today, we’re excited to announce Tax Groups, a feature that replaces the current Stock Item Level Tax experience with an easier-to-use interface and makes managing different tax rates on different items a breeze.

How Tax Groups work

Tax Groups are managed on the “Taxes” page in your Store Settings. On the “Taxes” page, you can see what taxes you have active and what their rates are. Additionally, you can add new taxes here and give them helpful names (such as Liquor Tax or Cookie Tax) to help you remember the items on which to apply them.Here’s a sample of what the “Taxes” page looks like, showing all the taxes, including the default, for a single business:

Getting started with Tax Groups

Once you have your tax rates all set, it’s just a matter of applying the right groups to the right stock items! This works the same as it did before, except now instead of entering a rate in decimal form, you can choose the correct tax for each item from a dropdown containing all your tax rates. Note that this also works with Bulk Management using a new Tax Groups column.Check out the difference on a single tax:If you’re already using Stock Item Level Taxes, we have some great news for you! We’ve created tax groups for you for each of the Stock Item Level Taxes that you’ve set up. This means that each item with a specific tax has now been assigned to a specific tax group (e.g. Sales Tax @ 7%). If you’d like to edit the name of a tax group or see how things are set up in your store, simply visit the Taxes settings page in your BackOffice.Good luck and let us know if you have any questions!

About the Author

Richard Berger translates his years of experience in the startup & small business world into helpful advice for small business owners. As Director of Product Marketing at ShopKeep point of sale, Richard has an unmatched understanding of Revel pos documentation, manuals technology, and how it can be used to transform your business.

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